Garden Transplanting

Garden Transplanting by Dubai Repairs

As a homeowner in Dubai, keeping your garden lush and vibrant year-round is important. However, relocating mature trees and plants can seem like an overwhelming task. Dubai Repairs, a professional landscaping and gardening company, offers expert garden transplanting services to help refresh your outdoor space. With years of experience helping Dubai residents redesign their properties, Dubai Repairs has the knowledge and skills to carefully transplant your treasured greenery to a new location. By hiring Dubai Repairs, you can rest assured your garden will continue to flourish for years to come in its new home. Let the team handle the heavy lifting and logistics so you can start enjoying your revamped garden.

Garden Transplanting

Your Trusted Garden Transplanting Service Provider in Dubai

Dubai Repairs provides professional and reliable garden transplanting services in Dubai. Dubai Repairs team of skilled technicians and horticulturists have years of experience safely transplanting a wide variety of plant species.

Our Transplanting Process

Our garden transplanting process is designed to ensure the successful relocation of your plants with minimal stress or damage. We exercise utmost caution in every stage of the process.

  • Initial Inspection. We survey your garden to evaluate the plants selected for transplanting and the new location. We determine the appropriate equipment and the best techniques to use for safe removal and replanting.
  • Root Pruning. For larger plants, we prune the roots several weeks before transplanting to stimulate new root growth. This helps the plant overcome the shock of being moved and establishes a strong, healthy root system in its new location.
  • Removal and Transport. On the scheduled transplanting date, we carefully dig around and under the entire root ball to remove the plant. The root ball is wrapped to retain moisture and transported immediately to the new planting site.
  • Replanting. We prepare the new planting hole, place the plant at the proper level, backfill the hole with soil and compost, and water thoroughly after planting. The area is cleaned up and mulched to help the new plant retain moisture.
  • Follow-Up Care. We provide recommendations for watering, fertilizing, pruning, and other care during the establishment period. Our goal is for your transplanted garden plants to thrive in their new location.

For trusted and professional garden transplanting in Dubai, contact Dubai Repairs. Moreover, our experienced team provides the highest quality service so you can enjoy a successful and seamless transplanting experience.

Our Expertise in Transplanting Mature Trees and Shrubs

Our company, Dubai Repairs, has years of experience providing expert garden transplanting services. We have a team of highly trained horticulturists and landscapers to ensure the safe transplanting of your mature trees and shrubs.

Our Process

Our process begins with an evaluation of the plant or tree and the new location by our team of experts. They will determine the best approach and timing for moving the plant while minimizing stress and damage. We take great care to properly prepare the new planting hole before beginning the transplanting process. We use industry-leading tools and equipment tailored to the specific needs of the transplant project. Our team will gently extract the plant from its current location before transporting it promptly to the new site. The plant is then carefully placed in the new location and the area around the base is properly irrigated to avoid root shock and promote healthy re-establishment.


Post-transplant care is essential to the plant’s recovery and continued thriving. Our team will provide instructions for watering, fertilizing, and pruning to support the plant as it adapts to its new environment. We also offer follow-up evaluations and services to ensure your transplant is successful long-term.

Garden Transplanting

With Dubai Repairs’ expertise and care, mature plants and trees can be successfully transplanted to a new location. Our experienced team and proven process minimize stress to the plant, giving it the best chance to flourish in its new home. We are committed to providing the highest quality garden transplanting services in Dubai.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is involved in transplanting plants and trees?

Transplanting, or replanting, involves carefully removing plants from their current location and moving them to a new site. Our skilled technicians will dig around the root ball of the plant, retaining as much of the roots as possible. The plant is then moved to a pre-dug hole at the new location and soil is backfilled around the roots. Staking and watering are also provided to help the plant establish in its new spot.

When is the best time for transplanting?

The ideal time for transplanting is during the early spring or fall when the weather is cool and rainfall is moderate. During these periods, plants enter or exit dormancy, so the gardener minimizes the stress of moving them. The gardener should avoid transplanting during hot summer weather.

How do you prepare plants for transplanting?

To prepare plants for transplanting, we prune them back by about one-third. This reduces leaf surface area and helps the plant retain moisture during the move. The gardener waters the plants thoroughly the day before transplanting to keep the root ball intact during the move. The gardener also treats any pest or disease issues prior to transplanting.


Now that you understand the process and benefits of garden transplanting, you can see why it is an essential service offered by Dubai Repairs. By hiring our team of experienced professionals, you ensure the survival and health of your plants during this sensitive procedure. Moreover, we take great care to minimize stress and root damage, giving your garden the best chance to thrive in its new home. Whether you are moving to a new property or simply redesigning your current outdoor space, trust that Dubai Repairs will handle the transplanting of your greenery with expertise and precision.

Garden Transplanting

Our commitment to customer service and horticultural excellence means you can sit back and enjoy your refreshed garden knowing it is in the best of hands. For quality, reliability, and peace of mind, look no further than Dubai Repairs for all your garden transplanting needs.

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